Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Bouvier Fish Story -- The One that Got Away

Arion's Ruff Daddy, twelve year old son of Brinks and Morgaine, lives in a country home with a river running through it. His owner Nancy was walking him last week one day when he stopped and started to stare intently into the water. Nancy was just contemplating that he would get dirty if he decided to jump in, when he plunged into the water, head going completely under, and came up with a large catfish in his mouth. He was so proud and pranced up the bank and placed it on the ground. Nancy wanted to throw it back and approached the fish but Ruff didn't want to lose his prize so he picked it up again and moved it away. This sequence repeated itself about three times before Ruff got the idea that if he put the fish down in the water, Nancy might not go there for it. But when the fish felt the water, it gave a mighty push with its tail and swam away. Ruff starting digging and splashing and barking furiously at the loss of his fish....the one that got away.

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