Sunday, September 5, 2010

New Batuque video

Richard at our club took some video of a very hot training day and I got some good footage of Batuque practicing her French Ring with Joey Leigh as decoy. This was August 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

This was one more partial clip we got on my friend's iphone.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Batuque 1st attaque a face after 2 year layoff

A hot Georgia summer night and Batuque is back. Joey has asked that a new decoy in training take the bites so he can practice a technique to teach the dog the pivot leg on an esquive. That's what the cones are help the green decoy with timing and placement and help direct the dog to take the desired trajectory. All that is Joey's department. On the other hand, I was just enjoying the fun she was having and trying to get her used to the whistle meaning to let go as well as to come to me. I think she is having a bit of trouble catching on that the whistle means "out" as well as "come" (despite the fact that she does ballistic recalls to the whistle when there is no biting involved) and she hates to leave her sparring partner.

We're Training Again

Batuque and I are back to working at the Atlanta Working Dog Club after a two year and too long break. Batuque is thrilled to be back to her favorite hobby and I live for the joy I see in her (and the others).

Last year was sad beyond bearing as I lost a best, long time human friend from a grotesque medical error and I lost my dear Rebel and Lucy, each just 3 months short of their 16th birthdays at the time of their passing. And I lost Olivia at only 14. I just couldn't bounce back from one jolt before another one hit.

But we're back.

Athar will soon be going as well but first I have to find a stronger crate for his deconstructionist efforts.

I've included a short video of Batuque's return to action on a hot Georgia summer night.